The Analysis of Hormonal Contraceptives Counseling Training Side Effects to Midwives in Decreasing Family Planning Drop Out in Lembang West Bandung

  • Stikes Jenderal A. Yani Cimahi
  • Padjadjaran University
  • Padjadjaran University
  • Padjadjaran University
  • Padjadjaran University
  • Padjadjaran University
Keywords: Attitude, family planning drop out, knowledge, midwives, training


Hormonal contraception is the most common type of contraceptive used by family planning acceptors in Indonesia, and some people stop using the method of contraception as they fear of the side effects or health problems. Midwives have an important role in providing counseling especially regarding the side effects of hormonal contraception. One of the efforts to improve the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the side effects of hormonal contraception is by providing training. The purpose of this counseling training is to analyze the effect of counseling training on the side effects of hormonal contraception to midwives in decreasing Family Planning drop out. This study used a quasi experimental one group pre post test design conducted on 30 midwives in Lembang sub-district who received counseling training on side effects of hormonal contraception. Each midwife only took 10 new or former family planning clients who used hormonal contraceptive pills, 1 month and 3 month injections; data obtained from 3 months before and after training. Knowledge and attitude were measured using questionnaires. Data analysis using linear regression analysis. The results of the research analysis showed that there was a significant improvement in midwife knowledge and attitude after training (p <0.001). Linear regression analysis showed that there was no significant effect of counseling training toward the side effects of hormonal contraceptives on Family Plan drop-out decreased. Conclusions of this research, side effects of hormonal contraception counseling training can improve knowledge and attitude but there is no effect on decreasing Family Planning drop out.
