Cares (MOCA) Application Toward Knowledge And Parent’s Skills In Stimulation Implementing Of Infant’s Growth And Development Age 6-12 Month

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Keywords: Application, infants, knowledge, skills, stimulation


The golden opportunity to undertake early detection and stimulation of infant‘s growth and development is on age 6-12 month. After that period, there is no other can be done to the infants, except to implement the infants‘ growth and development efforts optimally. The knowledge and competency of parents have an important role because they are able to recognize their infant‘s growth and development integrity. The smartphone users in Indonesia are 93%, so that smartphone applications can be functioned as media to implement the health promotion. Mother cares (MOCA) application provides information such as animation to assist the parents in detecting and implementing simulation of infant‘s growth. This research aimed to analysis the role of MOCA application toward parent‘s knowledge and skills in implementing of stimulation on infants growth age 6-12 month. The research done in June-July 2016 at Ibrahim Adjie Bandung Community Health Center area work used true experimental design, pre-posttest with control group design and the respondents were as many as 60 respondents based on proportional random sampling. Statistical analysis used in the research was T-test uncouple, Mann-Whitney test, and Wilcoxon test (p<0,05). Score result of parents‘ knowledge and competency in implementing of stimulation between intervention groups and control, there was a significant comparative with p value was in each of them 0,002 and 0,013. The research conclusion is MOCA application has a role on increasing the parent‘s knowledge and competency in implementing infant‘s growth and development age 6-12 month.
