The Role of Demographic Factors and Social Characteristics toward the Willingness to Undergo HIV testing among Reproductive Age Women in Bandung City

  • Stikes Jenderal A. Yani Cimahi
  • Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Universitas Padjadjaran
Keywords: Demographic factors, mobile VCT social characteristics, willingness of HIVtesting.


HIV Voluntary Counseling and testing has been identified as the most effective way to detect HIV status. However, not all women are voluntarily access this services. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between of demographic factor, social characteristics and the willingness to undergo HIV testing among reproductive age women in Bandung City. Research method was case control by consecutive sampling. The study was conducted in seven villages in Bandung. A samples much as 90 reproductive age women who participated in the mobile VCT, consisting of 45 respondents who are not willing to perform HIV test and 45 respondents were willing to perform HIV test. Data collected through questionnaires were analyzed by chi- square and multiple logistic regressions. Research showed all demographic factors did not shows any significant correlation with the willingness to undergo HIV testing (p>0,05) while social characteristics (lack of knowledge, the perception that she is not at risk, stigma, and lack of certainty in VCT services) were significantly correlate with the willingness to undergo HIV test (p<0,05). Based on multivariable analysis, the perception that she is not at risk was the most dominant factor in the willingness to undergo HIV testing with OR = 5,916 (CI95%: 1,563 to 22,393). It conluded demographic factors did not contributed lower the willingness to perform HIV test, while social characteristics contributed lower the willingness to perform HIV test. Perception of he/she is not at risk is a big factor towards the willingnessto perform HIV test on reproductive age women in Bandung.
