The Pattern of Family Support toward Elderly at Hamlet II of Kadipiro Urban Village of Banjarsari Subdistrict of Surakarta City

  • UNS
  • UNS
Keywords: Elderly, family, family support


The development task of elderly is to reach a happy and prosperous elderly life. The happiness and prosperity life of elderly is influenced by family support. The family support toward elderly at home includes emotional support, instrumental support, information support, and appraisement support. This research aims to know the pattern of family support on elderly at home. This research employs the analytic observational method with cross sectional approach. The sample collection method uses purposive sampling and it takes 102 respondents. The family support data is collected using questionnaire. The result of the research shows that 37 respondents have a low family support (< 27) and 65 respondents have a high family support (≥ 27). The supports which are mostly given by the family toward elderly are emotional support, appraisement support and information support. The result of run test shows the r value = 0,009 (< 0,05), so that the data of family support toward elderly in this research obtained an autocorrelation. The family support toward elderly is influenced by the condition and ability of family in conducting their role.
