Mother Home Care Patterns for the Care of Their Children with Autism: Grounded Theory Study

  • Suaka Insan School of Health Sciences
  • Immanuel School of Health Sciences
  • Stikes Jenderal A. Yani Cimahi
Keywords: Care, children with autism, grounded theory, mother, pattern


Inappropriate treatment for the children with autism could create further permanently disorder. Lack of standardized home care guidelines for the care of autism patients in Indonesia impedes the appropriate treatment for children with autism. This study aimed to develop the new concept framework for home care pattern children with autism at home. The data gathering involved 9 participants to be observed and deep interviewed complete with field record and study literature. The result of this study was utilized to create new standard operating procedure for autism treatment at home. By giving further explanation regarding; the preparation before the consultation, early procedure after diagnosed, further treatment, information for the environment around, support treatment for successful therapy, therapy for children to be taught by the mother, fulfill the human basic needs, diet, habituation therapy, food serving suggestion, the continuity of consultation with the doctor and psychologist, ways to prevent misperception in disciplining the children, ways to overcome the boredom and stress, treat the patient’s siblings, and development of parent support group. This study provided the pediatric nurses to increase their knowledge and capability in supporting the parents and socializing the autism and it is treatment.
